Mild Pepper Seeds
Black Thai
$ 4.00
Description: I have seen a few Black Thai crosses out there. This is the smaller strain, that starts off almost black before ripening to red. The heat, is pretty typical...
Black Thai Hot
$ 4.00
Description: I don't have much information on this one, but they are smaller like the Thai Hot I have and nice and hot. They grow up on a small bush that...
Dark Blood
$ 4.00
Description: Nice little dark cross. Dark Blood emerged in the Fox Peppers' cultivation fields. It's a cross between a Shishito and a Count Dracula. Pods are shaped like a small jalapeno but...
Naga Smooky Rainbow
$ 4.90
Description: This is a pepper created by Drax Diego. These are quite remarkable little peppers that grow up on a dark purple / black plant with purple flowers. The peppers...
Sweet Purple (Purple)
$ 4.65
Description: This is a pepper created by Giancarlo Fadda by crossing a White Chupetinho with a Pink Reaper. These are a great small pod pepper with some nice heat and a...