Capsicum Chinense Pepper Seeds

7 Pot Bubblegum (BBG7) x Peach Ghost Jami
$ 4.85
Description: A cross between a 7 Pot Bubblegum (BBG7) and a Peach Ghost Jami. These ripen to a nice peach to orange color and have bleeding of that color into...

7 Pot Nebru
$ 4.50
Description: Great 7 Pot pepper that ripens to yellow. Nice shapes on these and great heat similar to 7 Pot Brain Strain. It is a cross between a 7 Pot...

7 Pot Primo
$ 4.85
Description: This is the creation of Troy Troy Primeaux and is one of the hottest if not the hottest pepper in the world. They tend to be very productive and quite gnarly...

Agata's Tongue (Big Chupe)
$ 4.00
Description: A cross created by Drax Diego between a Chupetinho and Bhut Jolokia. These are shaped more like a big chupetinho but have some heat to them. They are on...

Aji Mango x JPGS
$ 4.50
Description: A cross that I received from my friend Brad Dinger. He discovered it a few years ago from a friendly Pennsylvania grower/farmers market seller on Google+. These are a very tasty...

Andy's UnReaper
$ 3.50
– Sold OutDescription: A wicked superhot from my friend Andy. These were big and bumpy and quite gnarly. Extremely hot and very productive. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which...

Apocalypse Scorpion
$ 4.85
Description: Really great gnarly pods developed in Italy. Great heat on these and the taste is very good. No bitter, or floral or other nasty tones on this one. A great variety...

BBG7 x Peach Ghost Jami (No Calyx)
$ 4.45
Description: A cross between a 7 Pot Bubblegum (BBG7) and a Peach Ghost Jami. As often happens sometimes, future generations can change color a bit and also lose the bleeding...

$ 4.95
Description: This was created by Brian Seal. From what I understand he released this pheno of his Chocolate Nagabrains x Reaper cross as it was not the one he was looking for. ...

Bhut Jolokia Solid Gold x (Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut)
$ 4.15
Description: A great crossing of 2 great strains. These ghost like peppers this season ripened to a peach color. They were extremely hot and quite tasty and production was exceptional. ...

Big Mustard Mama
$ 4.75
Description: This pepper was created by Troy Primeaux by crossing a Naga Morich and 7 Pot Douglah. This is another variant that came out of the original Big Black Mama cross. The mustard...

Bih Jolokia Black
$ 4.50
Description: An outstanding and very productive and consistent hot pepper. These are very hot, but I don’t think they would be classified in the superhot scale. They were introduced by...

Bih Jolokia Caramel
$ 4.00
Description: An outstanding and very productive and consistent hot pepper. These are very hot, but I don’t think they would be classified in the superhot scale. The pods get 3...

Bih Jolokia x Sugar Rush Peach
$ 4.90
Description: This is an outstanding cross. Most people thought it was one of the fruitiest peppers they have tried. Heat is habanero level or a little above to me. Plants...

Blue Ghost (Peach)
$ 4.50
Description: Several years back Enrico Lai created the Blue Ghost by crossing a Yaki Blue Fawn and Peach Ghost Jami. His original creation had pods that ripened to red. On...

BOC x Aji Pineapple
$ 4.45
Description: A cross created by Bjarne Højlund. These are very tasty as many baccatum x chinense crosses are. They are quite hot but not near as hot as the Bhut...

$ 3.50
Description: A cross created by my friend Agus in Indonesia between a Bhut Orange Copenhagen (BOC) and Genghis Kahn’s Brain (GKB). This is an extremely gnarly pepper with the...

BOC x Reaper Orange
$ 4.55
Description: This was a fantastic pepper in every way. The heat was great, not insane but very respectable. The production was off the charts. The taste was very clean and not...

Borg 9 Yellow
$ 4.50
Description: Yellow colored strain of the Borg 9. Having always been a fan of yellow superhot peppers, this is a real winner for me. Very good production and great citrus...

Brent's Apocalyptic Mustard
$ 4.40
Description: This is a unique mustard colored superhot that has shape characteristics reminding me of an Apocalypse Scorpion. The pod the seeds for this grow came from was red, so...

Brent's Red
$ 3.50
Description: My friend Brent Retherford had grown some Big Red Mama Premium seeds and ended up with something a little different. His first few seasons he had smaller pods shaped...

$ 4.25
Description: Wicked cross from K. Bane. These actually tasted pretty good, but were extemely hot. They are also heavy producers of gnarly red pods. The filial generation of this pepper is...

California Reaper
$ 4.90
Description: Cross between a Carolina Reaper and Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion. I have sold the Reaper x JPGS for several years, but now acquired seeds as the named California Reaper. I...

Catacombs Red
$ 4.25
Description: A K. Bane creation, this one is hot. Flavor isn't too bad for such a hot pepper, with not much floral at all. The filial generation of this pepper is...

CC Jigsaw Brains
$ 4.70
Description: I acquired these from Chillichump Seeds. They are a cross they created between a Jigsaw and Brain Strain. They look exactly like you would expect, long pods with a...

CGN 21500 x 7 Pot Barrackpore
$ 4.25
Description: A great cross that has resulted in a tasty very hot and uniquely colored pod. Plant foliage is dark. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means...

Chocolate Fatalii
$ 4.50
Description: I am sure this is a cross of some sort. They are quite a bit different than your typical Fatalii. Pods have thicker walls and are more mild to...

Chocolate Ghost Jami
$ 4.05
– Sold OutDescription: Big, gnarly, chocolate peppers with intense heat. Created by Enrico Lai from the Peach Ghost Jami and an unknown father pepper. These are quite productive and much larger...

Chocolate Primo
$ 4.85
Description: A chocolate version of the famed 7 Pot Primo. I am not sure the lineage of this one, but assume it is likely a cross. I got these from my...

Chocolate Reaper
$ 4.90
Description: A chocolate version of the famed Carolina Reaper. I am not sure the lineage of this one, but assume it is likely a cross. They are very gnarly and hot....

Chupebrains White
$ 4.60
Description: This is a great pepper from Fadda. Taste is outstanding, super clean like many of the white strains, and a good heat. Small pods on a smaller plant for me...

Death Spiral x Primotalii
$ 4.75
Description: A cross of 2 of the hotter peppers out there, and now you get another superhot pepper. Gnarly pods, many with tails and damn hot. The filial generation of these seeds...

Defcon 7
$ 4.35
Description: The Defcon 7 pepper is a reddish caramel colored pepper that matures to about the size of a golf ball. It is a rare 7 pot type that is very hot. The...